This hasn’t been a really exciting year for new PC Game titles.

This hasn’t been a really exciting year for new PC Game titles.

It’s a good thing I haven’t actively planned on buying any brand new releases so far. Because all the releases so far seem to be extremely poor ports, ESPECIALLY on the UWP platform. The new Tomb Raider (UWP version), Gears Of War and now even Quantum Break have been total flubs. I mean, it’s pretty bad when you release a game for PC and don’t even include an exit button.

One of the most popular complaints – the lack of an option to quit from the main menu – is being added in an upcoming update. Until then, Remedy recommends using alt-F4

Simple question, how do you forget an exit button?!?!?! Did they not do any testing for the PC version? I’ve played Alpha’s that had exit buttons, what’s their fucking excuse? Maybe they never want you to leave their game? I mean Microsoft already kinda does this with Windows 10, and since these developers seem to be heavily in bed with them it wouldn’t be too hard to imagine. 😛 Of course that’s just one of many issues with the PC version. Other issues include not getting a full proper refresh rate among other issues discussed in the article.

It’s pretty bad, we have these consoles that basically run the same architecture as PC. The only thing separating us is their Operating Systems, and yet somehow the PC ends up getting screwed over because developers are going to go where the money is, console. Which Microsoft is trying to turn the PC into… You know, if these titles didn’t release on the Windows Store and people actually had access to the game’s files, they could apply their own tweaks and patches to get it to run more properly… But noooo.