Thought I’d share some breakfast stuffs

Thought I’d share some breakfast stuffs

I woke up this morning wondering if there were any good omelet recipes that used brie. I bought some yesterday to munch with some red grapes and wine. I ended up finding three different recipes and combining them into one delicious breakfast. I didn’t use any measurements, I only eyeballed what looked good.

First I made an egg mixture using six eggs. Then I mixed in some herbs I had lying around. Like Parsley, Thyme, Oregeno, Tarragon, etc. Then a couple dashes of salt and pepper. Use a balloon whisk to make it as fluffy as fucking possible. I set that aside and decided to make some balsamic onion. Chop up half an onion and fry in oil, then splash some balsamic vinegar on it to taste and set aside. Get out a round frying pan that can hold a shit load of eggs and preheat it. Use a cooking spray or brush some oil into the pan before you preheat it, then add the egg mixture and cover with a lid until it’s set. Cover half the omelet with brie and the balsamic onion and fold over. If you mess up don’t worry about it, the dish still tastes great as scrambled eggs. 😛

Oh, and add bacon for good measure. 😛

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Melon Seed
April 12, 2016 11:58 am

now U are getting real serious,real good ,YAS indeed
take care

Melon Seed
April 12, 2016 11:58 am

now U are getting real serious,real good ,YAS indeed
take care