Thoughts on the CS:GO comp scene

Thoughts on the CS:GO comp scene

The talk about female CS:GO pro teams and tournaments has been picking up a bit lately. Which has sparked some controversy because ladies can participate in most tournaments, and if men made their own male only tournaments it would be considered sexist. Considering this isn’t a physical sport it wouldn’t make sense to segregate the genders, yet at the same time I can see why women would like the option of having their own tourney.

Competitive events (like most gaming events) have assholes, no doubt there are lots of asshats that will have no problem trying to find anything about said person or persons. I can understand trash talking to a certain point, and I myself don’t have any qualms about returning the favor as I have done so on multiple occasions 😛 . But women, and even some guys see the comp scene as a big turn off because they just want to play the damned game without having to deal with the manchildren! Perhaps some rules need to be made similar to men’s wrestling. No hitting below the belt. 😛 Any gender discrimination and you’re out, that would include both sides. Though I don’t see that becoming a thing.

So, perhaps female tourneys are a necessary evil. It should be known though that if it does take off it’ll most likely become it’s own thing like most women’s sports.