Today I defused a console war between two co-workers of mine… by declaring myself the winner.

Today I defused a console war between two co-workers of mine… by declaring myself the winner.

One of my co-workers came in to buy the new Tom Clancy game for his XBox One, and my boss is a PS4 user. He started trolling him about how PS4 is the superior platform. So I raised my hand and said “You both lose, PC Master Race FTW” and they couldn’t argue. :v Although my boss for some reason thought PC Gaming wasn’t popular. Which is true, it isn’t popular…. among people who don’t know how to mod. You know, console users.

I also heard today about a guy my father knows. He built him a high end PC for video rendering a couple years back. i5 2500k processor and I can’t remember what type of GPU… but I know it’s an NVidia, a powerful one. He happens to also like playing Skyrim… on console. That was a lot for me to take in first thing in the morning while eating my breakfast. Turns out his reasoning was because he didn’t like the idea of using a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller. And modding? That’s really hard too because apparently you have to use torrents. Yeah I don’t know what he’s smoking either. Sure isn’t what I’ve been smoking.


I can understand someone playing Skyrim on a console if they couldn’t afford a PC to play it on, but when you have an extremely beefy expensive build and continue to resort to the console version because a keyboard and a mouse are too hard that is just astonishing. Mind blowing, simply mind blowing.