Today Was One Of The Days Of All Time

Today Was One Of The Days Of All Time

Today went by so fast. I usually wake up half an hour early before the alarm goes off because of the sun gracing me with its presence. But today I did a good job of cocooning myself in blankets while having psychotic dreams about two young boys running away from angry wheelbarrows and an old fat dude that may or may not have been in it with said wheelbarrow. It didn’t really matter after they ran down several basements worth of flooring only to enter an astral pocket dimension with one door, leading to the old man in a bathroom with enough ass crack showing off another dimension. To where? I don’t know. I finally knocked the blankets off of me in time to see that my alarm would be going off in two minutes. Amazing what drinking antihistamines and wine can do during a good night of sleep!

If only I had planned THREE weeks of vacation instead of just the two… then I might have unraveled this mystery that no one in their right mind would care about. Anyway… The rest of the day seemed fast paced. I got to work, it had its fast and slow moments, and then I got home and was immediately invited to go clown on some fun videos in Resonite. 🙂

Overall, today was a good day.