When a dongle joke goes too far.

When a dongle joke goes too far.

Some people don’t have a sense of humor anymore.

At least it appears that’s what happened with PyCon this week when a sexual joke led to some very public firings, a virulent debate about women in technology, another virulent debate about public shaming, and now, a DDOS attack.

In the short of it, someone made a sexual joke about dongles and forking repos. She took offense to it and publicly shamed them. If it were me I probably would have just said “Giggity”. Of course she has the right to feel the way she does about it.

Of course quite a few companies today that have a policy that makes it easy for people to get fired for saying something off duty that a customer doesn’t like. My company is one of those. I can understand if someone got fired for being say…. racist? Murdering someone maybe? But a fucking dongle joke? Who hasn’t made one of those?

Welcome to the United Corporations of America.