Why rent when you can pwn?

Why rent when you can pwn?

If you use redbox and rent for one of your consoles you might want to read this.

I ended up waiting at the McDonalds around 20 minutes for someone to answer the phone, and they gave me three free rental codes (worth $1.20 each, note the game rentals are $2.00/night) to make up for it. I ended up trying to rent Black Ops II again at the same Redbox location, and the second disk had also been replaced by paper! The third and last disk in the machine, however, ended up being fine.

So I called the next day as well and got three more free codes for the second disk. So it definitely appears as if someone was trying to defraud Redbox of multiple copies of the game, possibly with a stolen credit card as well because every time you rent a disk, you need to swipe a credit card. I ended up paying a total of around $3.60 and got the game rental and four remaining rental codes which expire in 45 days, which is not a bad deal overall for me. This appears to be their standard operating procedure, as I have had issues with scratched DVDs and when I called they did the same thing. I’m satisfied with their response, and it’s unfortunate that someone is trying to take advantage of Redbox.

Sigh… Didn’t even try to make a direct copy.

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Melon Seed
December 18, 2012 5:21 am

so;what else is NEW

Melon Seed
December 18, 2012 5:21 am

so;what else is NEW