Working in a group gives headaches!

Working in a group gives headaches!

Especially when they don’t listen to my correct answers and then continue to blabber on and on about more incorrect data!

This is why booze was created, one’s personal vacation from the headaches that await! Drink up meh hearties!!!

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Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Melon Seed
May 4, 2011 7:44 pm

Sounds like the MOUL forum…