>Wutt The Fuck?

>Wutt The Fuck?

It seems Rear Admiral Wutt, everyones favorite fairymen has knocked the dust off his first forum account at the MOUL forum.


Rear Admiral:

I’m sure in some nameless Undisclosed location they are working on something right now.
I’d give names but would implicate myself in their secret operations. And possibly risk public flogging.

Holy fuck there are shards out there??? Impossible. No one and I mean no one has mentioned anything about anyone running shards anywhere. This guy must be out of touch with reality…


He messaged me


(This PM may be monitored for training purposes)

Hook, Line, Stinker, VREEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Ok, My Bad. I so always misunderstand what you didn’t mean to say. Thanks for the clairification dear.
Well then I’ll just sit here by my lonesome and wait to see what Cyan Legal has to say about me starting my own shard when I get my Static IP. Can’t wait to use the new server! YAY!

Hate to upset you any further Wutt… But that’s a calculator.

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Melon Seed
July 27, 2009 7:11 am

Link is dead.

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Melon Seed
July 27, 2009 3:09 pm

Must have been reported…Oh well, feel the power of copy and paste!!!