You’ve gotta be kidding me.

You’ve gotta be kidding me.

Sometimes I think Cyan is about as organized as the Hindenburg.

An emergency situation has arisen quite rapidly over the last 24 hours. In short, one file in the CWE sources is in violation of licensed code by RAD Game Tools: Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/FeatureLib/pfSurface/plLayerBink.cpp You absolutely have to delete this file from any cloned repository you might have – completely. This means that you must perform a complete rebase removing this file from the initial source release, so that it never appears ever again. As a first measure, make a commit removing that file from your fork. It contains code belonging to RAD Game Tools, and was accidentally released by Cyan as they were unaware of its origin at the time..

Complete discussion:

This affects all known forks and branches, including H’uru.

Failure to so could result in prosecution of Cyan Worlds by RAD Game Tools for releasing copyrighted code, which would be A Bad Thing(TM).

If you need help removing this file, please contact one of the developers (including me) for instructions on how to proceed. Speed is essential in removing this file.

Note: your client will probably no longer compile if you remove this file. A fix will be distributed once it has been found.

Note 2: end-users need take no action. Cool

Insert large facepalm here