>ZOMG shardz uhgen!!!!

>ZOMG shardz uhgen!!!!

During my computer tweaking time (to other peoples systems) I managed to read the forums and heard this gem.



We now have the Okay from Cyan to make the Shard public.
You can freely discuss it, except for the Myst Online Forums…
They don’t really like it, since theyre still working on MOOS (Open Source).
But other than that: yay 🙂


Well, now that you’re official I guess I won’t have to plan a protest on your shard anymore.


Cyan Worlds did not give the “OK” or any form of sanction for any shard outside of Cyan, including the pelishard.


Get your picket signs ready everyone! Now that they’re illegal again I’ll have to get drizzle setup and meet you there! Lets protest the heek out of that server!!!(and maybe the other ones too…)

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slave #13
Melon Seed
July 21, 2009 5:54 pm

Oh! the drama. Can we have another helping please. This is better than cheese… cake.Oh! by the way, the Heek table is broken.Oh! that is all for now.