I can breathe

I can breathe

I’ve pretty much been sick with hay fever since last weekend, between that and work becoming more and more of a pit of  everlasting despair I’ve been mentally and physically wiped. I spent a good chunk of the morning in bed today doped up on antihistamines, and trying not to gag from this damned sinus infection. After some rest I’m feeling a little better now. Maybe I can actually do something to make up for the first half of my weekend going to shit.

I did manage to complete my video! But it wasn’t easy… For some reason when I went to export the video it would die at around the 56% mark when rendering under Shotcut. I tried all kinds of tricks like lowering the resolution, changing from one preset to another, among other tricks, but it wasn’t until I added a blank video track that I found success. Finally, I can sleep knowing I did one thing right today.

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Melon Seed
July 22, 2019 10:13 am

Get well soon! Have all the garlic, honey, lemon and ginger. And of course, :melon: ❗