Rockin’ My Friday

Rockin’ My Friday

Survived Black Friday like a champ – didn’t buy anything either. I did my work, and then got the fuck home, made an after work breakfast and put work into one of my SFM projects. I’m pretty much done animating the audio I extracted; now I just need to come up with an ending to tie it all together, and I think I know what to do. I just need to write it out when I’m not as sleep deprived. For the time being these ideas can spin around in my head like a blender of untamed game theory. I’m thinking this will be ready for early January! Start off the new year with some gameplay and animated shenanigans!

Been pretty much coasting on black tea until now. I’m hoping the chamomile and sleep medicine catch up with me soon. It doesn’t take much caffeine to keep me going for what feels like days. All the more reason why I prefer tea 99% of the time.