After Work Open Thread

After Work Open Thread

Work has been pretty swamped lately due to our epic sale. Unfortunately we’re still hurting due to the fact that we’re short(er) on people. There was one point tonight where I had to run the entire departments myself since everyone had gone. Not fun at all.

Also I had my stalker confront me today. What’s creepy was that I had bought a green coffee before work, saw him nearby, walked to the time clock and sat down with my laptop to ignore him (and I had time anyway), and I saw him wandering back and forth with his cart out the corner of my eye. This went on for about 6 minutes. Finally when I put my laptop away and punched in for work he shows up right in front of me with some flowers (for a garden) and says “Heeeeeey check out my..” and before I let him finish I looked him in the eye, pointed to the nearest exit and told him to go away. Then he did so. Then I let my bosses in on what happened.

I can only wonder what will happen next.