So, I was reading the TF2 section on the Steam Forums (within Steam) and discovered I was temp banned.
You have been banned from all Team Fortress 2 discussions until Mar 3, 2013 @ 8:24pm.
You were banned by ianskate.Reason: “Spam”
Interesting, so this is the great IanSkate I’ve been hearing about in passing. I’m not entirely sure how my post in this thread would be considered spam. Of course it was deleted by this guy.
All I did was laugh, regarding the topic. Like this:
That’s all I said. I was merely laughing at one of the many people dying to trade off their Tux item. Why? I think the Tux should be for people who have been using Linux seriously, and seeing people like the OP in that thread really annoy me. They only care about getting the item to trade it off for something else. Most of them could care less about Linux.
Of course looking at IanSkate’s inventory I see that he has 20 pages of very nice items… but no Tux. I’m sure the two events aren’t related at all.
I hope Tux stays untradable/ungiftable. I also like one suggestion I read in the Linux section. Make it so the item only works under Linux. I could live with that. The epic butthurt from all the traders who exist only to use windoze would be awesome.