I’ve made contact.

I’ve made contact.

Well I received a message (FINALLY) regarding why my payment for my R9 290 hasn’t cleared. Turns out they ran out and I’ve been put on back order status… lovely. They did say though that they would ship it out later this week. Hopefully. It would be my luck to make my purchase RIGHT when they ran out. At least they messaged me back about it… even though it took 3 tries. I was getting a bit rough around the edges since I’m trying to sell my parts off to someone who could put them to great use… ugh.

When they get that to me I’ll put my new CPU and GPU in, then I can rock and roll. I’ll have to see how much it’ll improve under Linux, and under windows I’ll have to see how much I can crank Tomb Raider up, and finally run Shadow Warrior at a framerate above 30. Wouldn’t that be nice!