>Open Thread

>Open Thread

It has been brought to my attention that justirc itself is not owned by the GOW and I apologize for saying that the GOW’s server is unsafe. Still, the irc server is still unsafe. I ran a search for my name through Altavista and Google, nothing from chat came up with it. If anyone else can find anything then let me know.

This person either runs the server and has access to all the irc logs (since most irc servers are not encrypted), or someone hacked into it. I don’t see how else they could have gotten pictures of me that were only posted in private irc conversations (as well as watching what I was saying in a conversation) and nowhere else, unless there’s something else I’m missing. And I highly doubt one of my own friends here would do something that I would never forgive them for.

And here’s another clue. This Flesh person types like someone from CyanChat. Rather than make smilies like this 🙂 they make them like this :> Which leads me to believe that it’s someone from that group.