>ZOMG He’s back!!!!

That’s right folks. DorK, our #1 goat fucker extraordinare has reared his head in my presence once again. THIS time at the MOUL forum where he was responding to JWPlatt’s comment in the thread about the shard that was ok’d but not ok’d by Cyan.


After some research – i.e. reading Tomala’s blog – I came to understand that she only speaks in Sarcasm. Once I finally understood that, her language is perfectly clear. I was shocked to have taken so long because I thought I could speak Sarcasm so well, but she is hands-down the master.

Before I put DorK’s comment, this is going to be framed and placed in my hallway…


Don’t flatter her, her ego is big enough!

Did someone say goat?

I would like to let the rest of the community know that it would be impossible for my ego to get any bigger than it is. By watching my mentor Stephen Colbert I know that once it gets big enough it cannot get any bigger. Though I guess you can dream.

I leave you all with an egotistical quote.

“Screw the rules, I have shards.”

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I wub CyanChat
Melon Seed
July 24, 2009 6:26 pm

That's right folks. DorK our #1 goat fucker extraordinare Reared his head in my presence once againReared … wrong word, commonly misused.Rearing is to bring up or rise in terms of child, so reared is to have brought up a child i.e. already done.Check the spelling on extraordinaire as well.If you’re going to post shit, let’s do it right.THIS time at the MOUL forumSo sorry, I thought that was a place for all “goat fuckers”, wait you posted there as well … :|where he was responding to JWPlatt's comment in the thread about the shard that was ok'd but not… Read more »

Melon Seed
July 24, 2009 7:11 pm

I wub CyanChat wrote;"That's right folks. DorK our #1 goat fucker extraordinare Reared his head in my presence once againReared … wrong word, commonly misused."It looks like Tomala isn't the only one who can make grammatical errors! Where are your quotation marks? Naughty, naughty. Also you do remember that a paragraph consists of two sentences or more, or perhaps you were using creative license?"Rearing is to bring up or rise in terms of child, so reared is to have brought up a child i.e. already done."It's a bit tiresome how those who come here so angry limit their scope of… Read more »

I wub CyanChat
Melon Seed
July 25, 2009 9:46 pm

But then who has the time to even care Bad huh?Go lick yourself in the corner.Come back when you actually have a sense of humor.

Melon Seed
July 27, 2009 6:35 pm

I wub CyanChat said:"But then who has the time to even care Bad huh?Go lick yourself in the corner.Come back when you actually have a sense of humor."So…… I don't get a cookie? T.T

Tsar Hoikas
Melon Seed
July 27, 2009 6:36 pm

I love how people change the topic when they're proven wrong XD

Melon Seed
September 8, 2009 4:19 pm

Bait Bait BaitWait Goat! …He didn't quote reference, but then neither did I!Why did you care?Why did you Post?

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Melon Seed
September 8, 2009 4:19 pm

Better question. Why are you responding to an old entry? Oh I get it, you like current events!Well when you've caught up on everything I'll get back to you.