Thoughts on the latest shooting.

Thoughts on the latest shooting.

The whole shooting at the Umpqua Community College has been all kinds of depressing. The guy behind the shooting announced his plans on 4chan of all places, and while there were some people in the thread telling him not to do it, he was still cheered on for starting the “beta uprising”. Having read what I could of the archive before projectile vomiting I could see he couldn’t score with someone of the opposite sex. What fascinates me is the people in that thread giving their undying support, I know it shouldn’t surprise me since misery loves company and everything, but damn that’s a heaping load of misery…

But you can’t point at one thing in these cases and place blame, A lot goes into this mental behavior. Mental health care in the United States has been poor since the 1980’s, people with mental issues have problems getting the proper care they need, but they have no issues getting their hands on guns to commit these crimes. They also find people just as crazy as they are and have crazy children, then impart their mental teachings. Technology has advanced tremendously, and has made it easy for people to connect with each other, including crazies finding other crazies to enjoy each others company in their own echochambers. They become so comfortable talking like this all the time that they act out in the real world thinking they won’t get in trouble. I’ve seen guys and even some girls that fit the mold.

You know, some people say that the government is trying to control our population by using chemtrails and other means of sterilization. But that seems rather pointless when we appear to be doing a bang up job trying to kill each other.

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Melon Seed
October 14, 2015 6:28 am

Truth is, I wouldn’t even call it a “beta uprising.” The sad fact is they’re more like omega males at best.

Melon Seed
October 14, 2015 6:28 am

Truth is, I wouldn’t even call it a “beta uprising.” The sad fact is they’re more like omega males at best.