This Post Is Brought To You By The Existence Of Morons

I’ve stumbled upon a blog recently called sorryantivaxxer, and they record the deaths of antivaxxers and showcase their online history of spreading antivax memes. Another one that’s also being shared is r/HermanCainAward, where it’s more of the same (along with a couple of ironic memes). These are the kind of …

For The Cost Of Three Gaming Laptops You COULD Buy A Used iPhone with Fortnite

In the wake of Fortnite being taken off of Apple’s storefront (and Creepy Uncle Google’s) there seems to be opportunists that want to fix that problem… by selling used iPhones that still happen to have the app installed for thousands of dollars more than what said phone itself is actually …

This is probably the worst deportation story I’ve read so far

Ohhh the irony. A Syrian family living in Allentown, Pennsylvania just watched their relatives get deported right in front of them by the administration they voted for. Dr. Ghassan Assali and his wife, Sarmad, are originally from Syria but have been in the United States since the Clinton administration. Dr. …

Who’s That Pokemoron?!: Walking into rush hour traffic edition

Predictable. I knew after writing that Pokemon post yesterday that another stupid thing involving Pokemon Go would take place. Autumn’s mother, Tracy Nolan, said the accident happened when her daughter had just finished playing the game and was attempting to cross the street. Poor young Pokezombie. Of course the mother …

Pokemon Go and the Pokemorons of the apocalypse

The whole Pokemon Go thing has been quite fascinating to observe even if you’re not actively playing it. People have been wandering around all over the world looking for these digital creatures and in multiple circumstances getting into trouble, sometimes through their own ignorance or by some asshole wanting to …