Early Morning Open Thread

Early Morning Open Thread

I’ve been pretty out of it the last few days due to having to rise earlier than usual. Fortunately for me I return to my usual swing shift schedule tomorrow which I’m glad about. I’ve literally been coming home and crashing in bed, eating, then crashing again. I basically made a nest in my bed and enjoyed big picture mode for whenever I was awake enough to play something. Because of this I’ve been having fun playing sidescrollers lately, which you might have noticed with BroForce. 😛

By the way, there will be more BroForce videos released every Sunday for the next few weeks. I’ve also started uploading my videos using 60 FPS instead of 30. Took some careful studying but I have a few nice presets for rendering in Premiere.

I don’t have much else to write. There’s a particular project I’ve been following for awhile now. I won’t go into detail about it or how I feel about what’s been taking place since after all I didn’t pay the proper 5 digit amount to really have a say about anything. Besides. I have other games and hobbies to keep myself busy with as per the instructions.