Microsoft surprised me with an unexpected update

Microsoft surprised me with an unexpected update

So I pretty much spent most of my day today relaxing on the couch playing some FPS games, streaming from my desktop. Well, after I decided I was done I wandered back to my desk to find that my system is ready to install Windows Updates! Which is really bizarre because I have Windows Update set like this:


Yet I was seeing this:


I was really worried that Microsoft somehow forced Windows Updates to activate in some sort of recent update that I installed a week ago. However upon checking specifics on the update itself it was for one item… KB2999226 From September 15th of last year… For the C Runtime? WTF Microsoft?

I restarted my system and everything was fine. I immediately looked in services and checked Windows Update, nothing. They were disabled, set to off as per usual. So I’m not sure what to think. Did an update not install last time? Or did a program I use detect that C Runtime was out of date, hence triggering the update? Did it really connect up to Microsoft to grab that one update for whatever reason? Either way this beyond any form of strange I’ve ever seen… I’m definitely glad it wasn’t Windows 10 being shoved on the system. I have all kinds of custom settings and software that would have been severely compromised.