It’s nice to feel appreciated

It’s nice to feel appreciated

The dentist’s office saw my medical history template and loved every bit of it, said it was professional looking. 😛 They also really love the site. I added the testimonials for it today, there’s also a form so that people can submit their own (with moderation of course). I’d love to find more work like this, it’s right up my alley and a nice way to make some coin on one of many hobbies.

Working on it has given me some ideas for this website, and the main Guild Of Slackers one. I’ve thought about making forums again but no one seems to really use those, or shows a desire to use them since we have an IRC channel and a mumble server. As far as the WordPress side I’m not sure what to do with that other than give it a fresh new look. :

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Melon Seed
May 12, 2016 11:17 am

i told u that was your line years ago,eep it going YAS

Melon Seed
May 12, 2016 11:17 am

i told u that was your line years ago,eep it going YAS