>Open Thread

>Open Thread

Last night I actually had a good evening at work. Came home and tried a new soap made of natural oils and sandalwood. Made a sweet rolled Japanese omelet and finished off the rest of my imitation crab with some sushi rice.

Last night Ivan_Fookinov and I were trying to play a serious round of Left 4 Dead 2 when a couple of n00bs came in. We were nice to them, hell everyone has to start somewhere. But I knew it was going to be a long campaign when the first question was “How do i pick up things?”. Things went rather well, at least until the finale came. Everyone got raped. This is why you either train in singleplayer before a match or with a friend. Oh well, Yutram came in and it turned into a total admin match. Between him and I gnomes were everywhere, tanks and witches ran rampant, Francis chargers were there to rape, the Nick Hunters were bouncing in the special gravity. It was all good fun.