>What I’ve been occupied with.

>What I’ve been occupied with.

I’ve upgraded my video card. Now I’ll be able to release L4D videos once again. Fraps works even better now. But the best part? When a Charger attacks I won’t lag! Everytime a Charger started to charge I would freeze for 4 seconds, then awaken to a friend or me being beaten to death. After getting tired of this I mostly played on my notebook since performance was flawless. But with this ATi Saphire HD 3850 it clears up that problem quite nicely!

I did run into some other problems though. 3 capacitors on my motherboard are about to pop. The good news is I found another motherboard for dirt cheap. It also looks like the latest drivers randomly cause the system to die. Not in game either mind you, only when I’m surfing the net. At first I thought maybe it was either the drivers or the new .NET framework. But uninstalling that caused the next lockup to generate a BSOD rather than just a black screen followed by a restart. I’ve rolled back 2 versions and so far everything is smooth.

I’d better get some sleep. I have gifts to mail to Princess Barbie before the post office closes this afternoon. Then I can finally email her about it. The weather plus work has done a good job of preventing me from getting much done…