As hectic as work has been lately it felt nice to sit down to some Skyrim today. I’m back in Solsthiem searching for caves I haven’t encountered yet during this playthrough. Got my hands on the magic spiders and even crafted some of my own. The lightening and oil spiders are my favorites, though all of them are great to send to kill enemies. The blue goblins are also quite formidable against quite a few people. I saw a pack of them take down my Dremora lord. Of course I put them all in their place with my electrical crossbow. 😛 The ones that randomly appear when I’m in danger have been handy, enough to the point of me keeping one around as a follower. I have no regrets about becoming goblin queen, though given my current circumstances it still weirds me out.
This week and next week might be a little hectic for me. I have split days off both weeks, some of the customers have been entertaining me with their blatant stupidity though. I don’t know which was better… The lady looking for a case for their iPhone Galaxy 6 or the guy that wanted to know if all of our laptops came preinstalled with the bible… Work has been dragging me down and I think the 18 hours of sleep I awoke from this morning might be a sign. This whole time I still don’t consider myself a morning person, and the changes they’ve been making in our department would be great if we were all scheduled accordingly. But since we’re spreading ourselves thinner and thinner while also looking into laying off a couple more people I’m not sure how this is going to play out.