A steady diet of green teas, SFM, and explosions.

A steady diet of green teas, SFM, and explosions.

A couple nights ago I met up with a friend in mumble, we had a fun drunk conversation regarding a Linux chart I found recently. I’ve decided to take that conversation and make it into my next video. I already edited it in audition (remove empty gaps and other tedious work that needed to be done) and setup the stage.

I decided to also sit down and learn how to color items with a cool color script I found on the workshop. Now I can have all the colored flowerz. 😀

I was going to do a vlog over the weekend, but I think it can wait. I saved the questions that people sent me to add into the video though for when I go to do it so it’s not like I’m forgetting anyone. I haven’t done a vlog in awhile so, it can wait a bit longer I guess.