Adventures in modding DMC5

Adventures in modding DMC5

On and off these last few weeks I’ve been tinkering with loading DMC5 through Vortex Mod Manager. Everything was going soooooo well until it deletes my save data every time I launch DMC5 through it. My NG+ stuff is gone and everything. I’m not entirely butthurt though because I didn’t get too far into my 2nd playthrough, that and I’ve been having fun with mods. Here are a few that I can recommend starting with the Ichigo reskin featured above:

I gave V a Saint’s Row type of reskin, and also gave him a Death Note book, after all this is basically Kylo Ren in his more upbeat years (this is my universe and I can deem it as such dammit).

I also replaced the Style Announcer with Solid Snake, and they actually got David Hayter to record custom lines for this mod! How cool is that?!?! When I first downloaded the mod I thought it was just audio ripped from other games (as that tends to be the trend with these announcer mods) but was surprised when Snake said my style was “Dummy Thicc”. That is just too awesome for words. I could almost picture Snake sitting on the couch next to me just randomly yelling these lines while I play… almost.