>And we meet again.

>And we meet again.

All bold points are additions I made to his PM to me at the MOUL forum.


To_Mala (best near translation In Babblefish Spanglish ” To Ugly Gurl”,Sister Head in the Clouds, ST Living Vicariously through her family members, and “insert Name here”Some childish jap anim alias,
Good I’ll send Rand a copy of the Slackers Uru Underground CD yall sent me. Yeah you were NOT underground at all were you Twit. Funny how the truth always changes to fit YOU. I laughing really, I am. Besides I cant imagine anyone outside of yer closets butt buddies who would read your tripe(Holy shit talk about the pot calling the kettle black!). So fine with me. I love the time I made you take to break it all down. Oh theres that laughing feeling again. It sure dont take much to keep the monkeys occupied around here.
Well you have a nice day anyway. Love ya, really I do.

The shard owners called it the “Above Ground” since they would be going “above” the “underground” by letting ANYONE in. But seeing as you’re from Dumbfuckistan it’s understandable that you would miss that key point. Anyone in the owners group would have told you the same… And if you actually paid attention you would have KNOWN that.

I hope I simplified that enough for your poor wingtarded brain.

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Melon Seed
July 27, 2009 8:20 am

Dear Wutt,Please try to remember that Cyan/Rand don't give a crap about any of the shards or Uru. And yes, Cyan/Rand are already well aware of what is going on here, so why are you making an issue when there isn't one? Are you THAT messed up right now?Take care and please try to get a grip before responding!Thank you!!!Ette