Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
Another day of wage slavery.

Another day of wage slavery.

With people getting their tax returns, everything at work has been getting turned upside down by customers throwing shit all over the place and claiming that they’re just supplying us with job security. Yes, they are giving us job security. The problem is there can be too much job security. If we don”t get our work ALL finished we get talked to about it despite how much we work our asses off. I normally work in men’s underwear and socks/men’s athletic/young men’s clothes/men’s big and tall and men’s work clothes which is the biggest area out of all of them since it includes dress shirts, slacks, jeans from all kinds of brands among other things. That is considered one entire department. Back in the old days before I worked there you would normally find two people working together (one for each side). But with cut backs made by upper management, that is left to one person… if they even schedule someone to work that night since upper management has been cutting hours yet again.

There should be five of us working the entire up stairs at all times. But lately people have been getting sick from colds and that really bad flu going around. And we can’t hire anyone because our boss would be forced to shorten everyone else’s hours even moreso (they never add, they only subtract). So we’re left currently with 3 to 4 people (if we’re lucky) at a time. Factor in one of them constantly being called down to cashier and another person being on break/lunch and you have 1 to 2 or even 3 if you’re lucky.

As someone who has been pulled to just about every part of the store I can say that the entire store (all but the meat and seafood dept) are run this way. If you run out of people that can work with you they call other people from other departments to try and work for them, even if they lack the proper experience. I remember being pulled into bakery when I had no experience. They gave me one day of training and I still didn’t learn everything. But I was still expected to run the entire bakery by myself and be completely finished by 9pm. I think out of all the times they made me work over there I only got out on time twice. Hell even with cutting corners I still couldn’t get out on time.

The sad part is that I can bitch about this for hours on end, and it won’t change anything. I can tell my boss that we didn’t accomplish much due to “this this this this and this” and they’ll swear up and down that “Ohhh if you do this this this this and this THIS way, you’ll get it done” when in reality they don’t even know what the fuck they’re talking about.

I was hoping with this new job that things would get better. I may have to revisit my idea to jump ship and find employment elsewhere.