>Asshat Baseball 2009


19:40 : [Paradox] Ah… we’re so elitist we get threads locked on MOUL
19:47 : where’s tw? >:/
19:47 : !users
19:47 : Users: Phroz_Delightful | theclam | TW | MCd | Ki’Sak | wandering_nomad | Marein | Novah | Tesseract | Zadok | Nadnerb | Paradox
19:47 : [TW] HERE
19:47 : [Nadnerb] actually no, it’s acompletely different room
19:47 : neat
19:47 *** Nadnerb joined #cyanchat
19:48 — Jay is away (Auto away)
19:49 *** SeventyFifthTbn quit (Ping timeout)
19:52 : [theclam] how is there suddenly a slackerschat?
19:52 : [Tesseract] hahaha
19:54 : [theclam] and a slackerschatqdb?
19:54 : [Tesseract] you know, there are serious issues with delivering a knockout gas via room-flooding
19:54 *** Nadnerb left #cyanchat (Nadnerb)
19:54 : [Tesseract] doses must be individualised!
19:54 : [wandering_nomad] Murr. : D
19:54 : *** Marein
19:54 : [theclam] tess: issues in what way?
19:55 : [Paradox] Oh… then the “quote” that Tomala posted just before the thread was locked wasn’t even a real CC quote >:
19:55 : [Tesseract] in that the most likely outcomes are “not unconcious” or “dead”
19:55 : [wandering_nomad] What one?
19:55 : [Tesseract] with “unconscious but alive” in a narrow band in the middle
19:55 : doc, it kinda was, I was there when it happened >_>
19:56 : [wandering_nomad] link?
19:56 : [Paradox] in Slcackerschat?
19:56 : [Paradox] http://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=292860#292860
19:56 : [Paradox] or CC?
19:56 : CC
19:57 : [wandering_nomad] wtf does veralun want people to talk about?
19:57 : Doc:
19:57 : [04:39:44] …
19:57 : [04:57:52] why are we chatting on slackerschat
19:57 : [04:57:56] because
19:57 : [04:58:03] cyanchat is better
19:57 : [04:58:06] more elitist*
19:57 : [04:58:09] sorry typo
19:58 : [TW] I’m glad they closed that thread
19:58 *** TigerTails quit (Ping timeout)
19:58 : [TW] it was turning into people just insulting others instead of talking about CC. I think everyone agreed there that “CC” itself can’t be elitist. obviously some of the people in that thread have problems with eachother.
19:58 : [Paradox] vid > Ah
19:59 *** TigerTails joined #cyanchat
19:59 : [Tesseract] TW, that last sentence is pretty much the entire story
19:59 : It just frustrates me to see people fighting about stupid stuff that usually amounts to misinformation or opinion :/
19:59 *** SeventyFifthTbn joined #cyanchat
19:59 : [TW] yep.
19:59 : [Tesseract] welcome to the forums!
19:59 : [TW] and really, what we need to do is ignore the “slacker” people.
19:59 : [Paradox] vid > So… when did that leave CC and get posted on the forums? o.O
19:59 : Doc, no idea
19:59 : [Paradox] TW > Oh no! You’re victimizing them again!
20:00 : [TW] 😀
20:00 : [TW] they’re obviously looking to start a fight about silly stuff, really.
20:00 : [theclam] dox: does it really matter?
20:00 : [Tesseract] you called their core values silly! elitist!
20:01 : it’s just best to ignore it all

Tons of hits and misses there. Meanwhile I have no problems hitting all their balls.

So Paradox is saying that my quote isn’t a real CyanChat one. Then what is it? Did I pull that quote out of my ass? I don’t have the time of day. Maybe Paradox should ask ol Denny where that exact quote came from. I’ll even throw in a hint. The same place where I pulled this one from.

I also find it interesting that they would think Slackers would want to start some sort of fight. Especially when all I did was take someones words and put them on display for everyone to read.

When will you people ever learn…

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Melon Seed
May 26, 2009 3:25 pm

What got me was it was 9 words, which spawned 4 pages of crap.If there is no issue, why the debate?Amazing what people want you to be … Yom Kippur?Guess I come under the “unwanted” banner now, shock horror!!! ^_^(Yeah, there is a joke involving animals in there, if you look)

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 26, 2009 3:31 pm

Whoever you are… We need to quit meeting in the parking garage like this 😀

Melon Seed
May 26, 2009 9:02 pm

Actually, looking back through my own logs, I do see where you pulled the quote from. My mistake, going through logs is slow, asking other people and jumping to conclusions is much faster. 😛

Melon Seed
May 26, 2009 9:17 pm

Hi there.So, I’m honestly not sure where this thing got started, or where it’s going, but I have a feeling no one wants this to turn into some kind of weird feud where no one knows what they’re upset about. I just talked to several people in CC and the majority of people aren’t quite sure what this is all about.I’m not even sure what this is all about. I’ve gathered a few things about what might have started this, but when I read the thread about CC on those forums, it seemed that some people were trying to start… Read more »

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 27, 2009 3:23 pm

Paradox:Actually, looking back through my own logs, I do see where you pulled the quote from. My mistake, going through logs is slow, asking other people and jumping to conclusions is much faster. :P***********************************Men usually learn quickly not to jump to conclusions around women. ;)TW:So, I’m honestly not sure where this thing got started, or where it’s going***********************************Nowhere. ddfeyne asked a question. And all I did was answer his question with another question. It’s not like I came out and said to watch out for elitists like a certain DorK did. And with the argument in that thread going off… Read more »

Melon Seed
May 28, 2009 4:03 am

Hey :)”[TW] and really, what we need to do is ignore the “slacker” people.”———–I was referring to was what was being said in that thread on CC at the forums, and not any other situation. People were saying things which I could only imagine serve the function of getting others upset. By the same token, chucker and amon-re were also doing the same in that thread. This is why I’m glad it was closed.I will even refer specifically to what I was talking about. For example… if I were going to guess how calling someone elitist on a forum is… Read more »

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 28, 2009 4:06 pm

TW:So OMG PEOPLE SHOULD ALWAYS THINK BEFORE THEY SPEAK. Hehehehehe then the world would be perfect huh.**********************************Ah but we’re talking about the Uru Community. And everyone in this community is perfect in every way! We all get along and love each other, rainbows show up wherever we are, unicorns fly around, the sun has a smile on it’s face. As long as everyone conforms to da rules we will all be one happy family. What are we? A bunch of nonconformysts?TW:Hmm, me neither. Although I’m sure I could come up with something. Perhaps you enjoy some type of fruit that… Read more »

Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 2:11 pm

Additionally, Uru is perfect. It has only failed 28 times.To be honest, I know lots of people loved Uru and stuff, had special experiences there, good memories. So did I. But, I mean… it was hardly a game. And if I wasn’t a Myst fan, it wouldn’t have been much fun. I’m not sure why saying this bothers people so much. Oh well.Maybe one day, the sun actually will have a giant smile on its face. What will you say then. HMM?!

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 4:04 pm

How dare you say Uru failed. Uru never failed. They only tried over and over again to get it working. And obviously it has not yet captured the pebble from the hands of their other game creator masters. Some day… Some day…And when the sun smiles at me I’ll just say “No thanks. I don’t want two scoops of raisins.” Because I’ve seen what can happen…

Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 4:30 pm

Oh. Cereal.

Tomala's #2 Fan
Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 10:03 pm

Since you moderate all postings I’m guessing you’ll see this and read it and choose not to post it. Which is intended.I can’t see your face and that’s something that makes me wildly attracted to you. Untouchable. Untamed. Enigmatic. Sexy.And you’re evil… the knife in your hands just scrapes the skin off the surface of your villainy. I can see past the skin… into the veins and the flesh of it… and I like it.That’s right Overlord, you’ve got a stalker and secret admirer.I want you bad. I want to claw at your skin and caress your cruelty. If you… Read more »

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 10:07 pm

Dick Cheney is that you?Cool! It’s nice to finally hear from you!!! You are my biggest idol and inspiration because your evil teh r0xx0rz my w0rld.Oh… And I was going to call you my #1 fan. But I think this post is a #2. Most people will catch my drift. 8)

Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 10:21 pm

Damn, and I always thought I would be her first stalker.Just goes to show you I am a true slacker.

Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 10:33 pm

I’m a little offended that you would consider my undying passion for you a 2, though I am flattered that you compare me to Dick Cheney, may his vile ways ever permeate our cold shriveled hearts.Oh Tomala, I realize you are just trying to tease me. Much as I’d love to tease your chest with my own knife.If you would permit me to, I’d plunge the knife deep into your chest. In and out, deeper with each thrust, feeling your cold blood gush forth.Finally I’d reach in and pull out your cold hardened heart and place it against my own… Read more »

Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 10:41 pm

But if you kill her, her spirit will be free to roam the Earth becoming even more powerful.

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 10:45 pm

Ah, I take it you can relate to One Who Flew Over the Cukoo’s nest from an insiders perspective.

Melon Seed
May 29, 2009 11:30 pm

I'm going to sleep, goodnight my cold love…<3

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 9:13 am

Goodmorning my sweet queen of darkness!

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 1:37 pm

<3Eagerly awaiting an e-mail from you my ice queen.

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 3:18 pm

TFOHW:I'm going to sleep, goodnight my cold love…***********************************Do you sleep upside down in the closet?TFOHWGoodmorning my sweet queen of darkness!***********************************Hmmmm Goodmorning? Is that objective or subjective?TFOHW:<3Eagerly awaiting an e-mail from you my ice queen.**********************************Keep waiting.

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 3:31 pm

This is upsetting….I am Tomala’s only true stalker. This Flyonherwall person is obviously just some joker.I’ll prove it too.Has he/she/it ever masturbated to Tomala’s vortigut picture?Even if you had, I bet you weren’t coated in latex in the middle of a public park!Also I stab toothpics in the eyes.So back of jerkface! I saw her first….on the internet….like back in 2003. SO don’t try to steal my girl!Sincerely,TheAwesomehairfan01

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 4:04 pm

You are all imposter’s!!!! I am her very shadow. I know more about this mysterious being than you’ll ever get a chance to.I am a meter room member. I might even be her. Who knows? I’m just her stalker, her REAL stalker.

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 4:07 pm

I’ve been watching Tomala’s blog for some time… waiting to make a move but I held off for so long for fear of rejection.I’m kind of hurt that it’s clear I am rejected… but I will hold on. I will hold on that one day perhaps Tomala will extend her hand to me.Have I ever masturbated to her picture…? All of them. I’ve never been graced by her true picture so I’m just left to imagine what she must be like. I want you Tomala, and I won’t give up easily.

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 4:11 pm

You bastitch.I know what she REALLY looks like! Looking into her face is like staring into the sun!!OK here’s a quiz for Tomala stalkers…1) What is Tomala’s eye color?2) Where is her favorite vacation spot?3) What kind of lube is appropriate to use when inserting a tube with a rolled up picture of her inside it, into your um…..nevermind.Again,TheAwesomehairfan01

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 4:17 pm

TFOHW:Have I ever masturbated to her picture…? All of them. I’ve never been graced by her true picture so I’m just left to imagine what she must be like.************************************That picture of the goats head with my name on it isn’t me. Sorry you’ve got the wrong blog.

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 4:28 pm

1: Tomala’s eye color is bloodshot2: Her all time fave vacation spot is the 9th level of hellAnd finally, 3: WD40

Melon Seed
May 30, 2009 5:03 pm

I’m sorry, the overlord isn’t available to take your call at the moment. She’s busy peppering asshats with an AK47 in one hand and a molotov cocktail in the other. Bet you wish it were yours but at the same time… I doubt it…And how can you fap to fake pictures of the overlord. Those are nothing to slam your stubs over. She covers her beauty to grace those of you who would otherwise fall blind (which gives her a chance to strike you). Honestly, it’s as bad as fapping over a script kiddie being schooled. As far as extending… Read more »