Without thinking about it I wandered off the face of the earth for the last couple of days.  I caught a real bad cold a few days ago at work. It actually started when this old woman walked passed me. The perfume that she had been bathing in for an entire 24 hours got into my lungs and it all went down hill from there. I even had to call into work for the first time since transferring to the food dept. I had to work the bakery that day and didn’t feel proper about being around food items while coughing and spreading germs.  The 15 hour sleep I had made me feel a little better though. I did work today but I am feeling better (or I wouldn’t even have energy to write this) however now the rest of my family is now sick from the same cold. Hopefully it blows over quickly like mine is. In fact I’ll probably call it another early night and sleep for as long as I can. I have the next 2 days off… maybe… if I don’t get called in.

I guess it could be worse. There is another one going around that’s even worse. Some people have been vomiting from both ends it seems.

Aside from being ill, here is the latest YCDTOXB:

I’m currently working on the next episode… Lets just say I’m going to be back on the toilet due to the next one.