My Weekend Starts Early!
Ah, Resonite… Remember when I spent just about every single day blogging about it because I kept finding new things throughout its worlds? What happened? …
Ah, Resonite… Remember when I spent just about every single day blogging about it because I kept finding new things throughout its worlds? What happened? …
Another evening of checking out Christmas DOOM Wads. This one was kinda “meh”. Not much of a challenge, had trollish looking graphics for the doors …
Last night’s sleep cycle was an absolute bust. I was tired enough, but I kept waking up in pain from time to time. It felt …
It’s December! Time to wreck the halls and enjoy some holiday themed games and mods. DOOM was always a special game that I remember from …
It finally happened. I reached the end of Horizon Zero Dawn! It was a fun journey with a story as rich as the games graphics. …
Went paling around tonight to kick off the weekend! This was probably our most crashiest playthrough, but after the first few crashes things seemed to …
Too tired to write anything of note. It’s been an exhausting last couple of days, but after tomorrow I can get some proper rest. I …
Yesterday Ex-Zodiac received an update that introduces their 10th level: Caldera! I did two runs in it but haven’t found the hidden data chip. This …
Don’t have much to write about tonight. I poured today’s angst into the Hydra boss battle in 9 Years of Shadows. Took me awhile to …