Author: <span>OverlordTomala</span>

Serious Sam 4 Screenshots magically appear

Croteam updated the Steam store page for Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass recently. No new video footage, but some nice eyecandy via screenshots:

Everything looks so nicely detailed, though that shouldn’t be surprising. Croteam has always outdone themselves on their game engine, game mechanics,, secrets, and seriously awesome dialogue and an excellent soundtrack! I think it was also the first FPS I ever played that had the protagonist actually use words! I still remember seeing the First Encounter and being amazed by how lifelike it was at the time, and how many FPS games can you run around with a giant fucking cannonball?! :happy: The correct answer is not e-fucking-nough… I still have yet to understand how such a series can be as underrated as it is. :rick:

On my list of games to be showcased during E3 I think this one ranks among the highest. :melon: