Open Thread
Aside from getting a bad allergic reaction to some good ol Oregon black mold I’m doing alright. I decided to tidy up a bit and …
Aside from getting a bad allergic reaction to some good ol Oregon black mold I’m doing alright. I decided to tidy up a bit and …
I forgot to put this up. So here it is: [youtube url=””]
This is what happens when too many people leave the server. The magic comes alive!
I hope everyone had a good holiday. Sure enough I slept like a baby without even trying. Seriously I got up to get something and …
I knocked off at about 1 am this morning, sadly my brain didn’t shut off until about 6am. Then my alarm went off at 8am. …
In less than ten hours I can finally put an end to this shit-tastic holiday. The majority of the last minute Christmas shoppers have been …
I’ll be honest. I’ve heard of Duck Dynasty but never really had an interest in watching it or looking up what it even was. I …
With all the copyright whoring they’re doing what will happen when they run out of music/footage to claim? Words? Phrases? Colors? Lets go with colors.
This is from a webseries called “OKCupid is the best!” where the hostess solikebasically shares the strangest things she finds in her OKCupid inbox. In …
Today will be my Friday. Fairly earned. This last week has been hell. As it draws closer and closer to Christmas the shoppers tend to …