XBox gives you American citizenship!
Did your green card expire? If you have an XBox live account that’s more than proof! Muñoz had an Xbox Live account and, with it, …
Social networking at it’s finest.
Facebook makes people do the strangest things. Police identified the intruder as an 18-year-old University of Georgia student because she left her Facebook page on …
This is just creepy.
Big brother is watching you… Sure, the GPS on your phone or dedicated device can get you from Point A to Point B on the …
Early Morning Open Thread
I’ve been keeping a bit of a low profile the last couple of days. I was feeling a bit sick. That and the internet went …
I learned something…
Apparently if I’m playing Team Fortress 2 on my laptop and I forget to plug into power I can get a good 45 minutes in …
Old Uru
Been in a bit of a nostalgic mode of late. I have access to my old Until Uru server and plan on filming some of …
Bill Gates wants YOU to make a next gen condom.
Coming soon: The SexBox 360 Now, with a $100,00 grant offered through the Grand Challenges in Global Health Program, the Gateses are hoping to find …
When a dongle joke goes too far.
Some people don’t have a sense of humor anymore. At least it appears that’s what happened with PyCon this week when a sexual joke led …