Facebook makes people fat.
Of the 470 participants asked, those who used Facebook the most had reportedly higher body mass indexes than those who were not as frequently engaged. …
Christmas Eve Open Thread
Busier than hell today at work. Lots of last minute shoppers wondering why in the hell they can’t find what they want and wonder why …
I accomplished nothing today.
The last minute Christmas shoppers raped my area, took me away from my area, and the powers that be made me cover all of the …
Can’t wait to get home.
Been at it since the afternoon and it looks like a total mess still! Gotta love last minute shoppers. On the brightside I’m blogging from …
Video games are the cause of the latest shootings?
With all of the shootings that have been reported lately, someone has decided to take a stand and point the finger rightfully where it belongs. …
Well, the world didn’t end. I had to go to work.
But it looks like the world ended for someone else. 😛
Christmas Day 21
There is one thing worse than a Christmas remake of a Christmas remake… Star Wars the Christmas special.