Saturday Morning Open Thread
Started my new job today (and tomorrow I end my old one). Things went rather smoothly. Felt nice going in to work not having to …
Started my new job today (and tomorrow I end my old one). Things went rather smoothly. Felt nice going in to work not having to …
Immediately started my day on a good foot. Went out for a walk and made an appointment to get my hair recolored on the 23rd. …
With us in this video are: Ivan_Fookinov (Papa Smurf) Yutram KaelisEbonrai and myself
Had an early start on work today. Went in a couple hours early and actually had a pretty good day. Tonight and last night I’ve …
That was the epic pickup line of the evening. This highschooler looking dude said that. I think he was a highschooler anyway. I think I …
Lovely day yesterday, sun was out so I whipped off a quick shave and painted my nails red n blue. Now onto something that’s actually …
Those who read my blog know that I’m not a big fan of social media (facebook, twitter etc). I’ve always said that I have a …
Yesterday another Geriatric Tuesday passed. It was full of mean elderly folk who threw tantrums (knocking things over if they didn’t get what they wanted …