On the lookout for a new blog theme.
WordPress updated their comments so that you can sign in via your wordpress account or some other social medium to post. It doesn’t seem to …
WordPress updated their comments so that you can sign in via your wordpress account or some other social medium to post. It doesn’t seem to …
First of all, thank you to those of you on the site that actually got motivated enough to make posts without me having to get …
If you haven’t checked out SNews yet I’ve finally gotten people off their arses and actually posting shit. http://www.guildofslackers.com/snews/ 🙂
Now, I don’t have any kind of tablet or smartphone or even a regular cell phone. But I saw this pop up in my Steam …
Wow, sorry to be away from the SNews for so long, but I have been distracted with watching debris from Japan wash up onto shore, …
It’s nice being able to render a 10 minute video in 12 minutes… That is all.
So, Kaelis here with a review of Cyan Worlds’ latest iOS release: “realMyst for iPad”. You can grab it from the Apple App Store here. …
4:07 AM – Richard Payton Dovahkiin: hey Doc this may or may not offend you but are you a guy or girl becuase your in …
I was helping a customer tonight. Felt really sorry for her. I had to go out to our bottle return area to help do a …