You Can’t Do That On XBox!!!! In America!
Thanks to Motorola, the XBox will be banned from the US for the time being The ongoing legal dispute between Motorola Mobility and Microsoft could …
You Can’t Do That On XBox! Super Admin Editon! TF2
Taking a break from reviews and storylines this week. This week we have screwing off in TF2! Featuring Ivan_Fookinov, Yutram, Kaelis and Tomala.
Taken from a blog I read regularly, Balloon Juice. Someone is pissed off about something that happened in a Hustler magazine… Long story short. SE …
Man was today weird.
Work was weird today. Especially with one of my co workers. He’s a nice kid, 17. He was a bit unaware of the people around …
Late Night Open Thread
Got my work uniform ready for later today. As well as all of the other bells and whistles I hand picked. Since the weather has …
Girly Open Thread
Well. I’m on part 2 of my weekend. Seems I’ll have more work for this week and next week. A new hire at work walked …
The rise, fall, and rise again of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina
Man, first I miss out on the solar eclipse because of work, now I miss out on the closing, opening, reclosing etc of ever so …
“When I’m Tierney’s Whore”
Special credit goes to FreddyD of the slackers forums for writing this up in our thread about George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. He wrote …
Open Thread totally not involving George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina
Well, the good news is that my back is finally feeling better after loafing around today. Had a bit of rain sneak up on us …