From the past: 7 Hours Later (L4D1)
I can’t promise what will be released next. But I’m looking to release something either next week or the week after. In the meantime, let …
I can’t promise what will be released next. But I’m looking to release something either next week or the week after. In the meantime, let …
Still moving along and getting my ducks in a row for the upcoming episodes. More games are going to be showcased. I’m currently in a …
Recorded some more small footage tonight. I’m putting together quite the medly of things and stuff for one of the next episodes. I also decided …
Around Christmas time I blogged about this strange old man that keeps trying to give me presents, he eventually did get the gifts back and …
After some dusting I decided to reward myself with some TF2 and Serious Sam BFE. Having this new power at my fingertips is just awesome. …
It’s been pouring down outside nonstop since I went to lay down this morning. I still didn’t want to wake up. Forcing myself out of …
Today I learned how to import a 3D model from Portal 2 into 3DStudioMax. I thought that would be the hard part, but it turns …
Due to some downtime caused by spring cleaning, rebuilding computer, work, other projects and alcohol. I will be on a short hiatus from releasing any …
I might have to put my projects on hold for awhile. Between configuring my system, working out kinks, being a football at work, errands, social …
I just happened to be around when Garry handed out over a thousand beta keys at Interface looks real awesome, can’t wait until I …