Upgraded WordPress
It’s all about the updates today! Upgraded to 3.3 and it looks really different. If anyone finds any strange things let me know.
It’s all about the updates today! Upgraded to 3.3 and it looks really different. If anyone finds any strange things let me know.
Taken from this thread. Lord Chaos: A long time ago, in a different world, there was a man with some peculiar skills. He liked music. …
I got up early because I thought he would be coming to pick up his laptop. But it turns out he’s a no show… Gave …
I updated Jetpack. Which means it added a couple new features for people to use. You can now subscribe the way you used to at …
Yesterday I only had dinner (and a couple of snacks throughout the day. Had one margarita and felt fine for awhile. But I guess I …
So, in less than 24 hours after giving that guy back his laptop he infects it again… Gotta love IE and ActiveXploits. Oh well. I …