Oh this is too good.
Taken from Kotaku: In Manhattan’s Greenwich Village neighborhood sits Alamo, a giant cube sculpture by Tony Rosenthal which dates back to 1967. The artwork, a.ka. …
Taken from Kotaku: In Manhattan’s Greenwich Village neighborhood sits Alamo, a giant cube sculpture by Tony Rosenthal which dates back to 1967. The artwork, a.ka. …
I had off today. Made up for what I was missing in sleep but still woke up looking slightly dead. So I mostly played around …
It’s all about the updates today! Upgraded to 3.3 and it looks really different. If anyone finds any strange things let me know.
Taken from this thread. Lord Chaos: A long time ago, in a different world, there was a man with some peculiar skills. He liked music. …
I got up early because I thought he would be coming to pick up his laptop. But it turns out he’s a no show… Gave …
I updated Jetpack. Which means it added a couple new features for people to use. You can now subscribe the way you used to at …
Yesterday I only had dinner (and a couple of snacks throughout the day. Had one margarita and felt fine for awhile. But I guess I …
So, in less than 24 hours after giving that guy back his laptop he infects it again… Gotta love IE and ActiveXploits. Oh well. I …