New Co Author
Since no former shard admins have stepped up. Yutram the runner up Overlord has volunteered to torture you all with whatever the hell he tortures …
Since no former shard admins have stepped up. Yutram the runner up Overlord has volunteered to torture you all with whatever the hell he tortures …
Well… I was going to work on my project tonight, but due to an update to gmod I’m unable to. Ah well, If I get …
I haven’t made many game videos in well over a month. I actually had a plan for one just a couple days ago. With my …
The internet has been holding up alright today. Of course the weather was epic suckagetoo. I have a feeling that like last year it’s related …
I try to keep one outfit ready for the next day. By doing this I eliminate the “wtf should I wear” factor and can look …
The asshats at charter never came today. They’ll be coming on Wednsday instead.
Looked at my schedule for next week, looks like I’ll be working on my birthday (I usually do anyway), and after Easter Sunday Zombie Jesus …
For my next co author I would like to have a former shard owner/admin.