Saturday Night Open Thread
Just came back from a little get together at the wine pub. Enjoyed some pizza and raspberry beer with friends. It tasted more like a …
Noodly appendagetram.
Felt like spending some time in the kitchen today, so I made me a noodly stirfry with red peppers, ginger, onion, garlic, cucumbers, spinach and …
Door to door internet salesman vs Tomala.
Today I got a knock at the door from charter communications (our ISP) wanting to know if we were with them or if we wanted …
He was beaten… with a spoon.
11:15 PM – Tomala has the keys to the internet 11:15 PM – Emperor Jin Kazama takes the Keys Left4Dead2nite®™ is now playing Left 4 …
This movie makes porn dialogue sound like superior acting.
[youtube] Made on a ten thousand dollar budget… with windows movie maker.
Green screening only sounds right as today is a day to go green.
Today I successfully learned chroma-keying in premiere and after effects. I can now let my brain rot for the rest of the day.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a good eggs and bacon breakfast. So I made myself an omelet with sauteed bacon, onions, bell …
The cremator
One of the NPC’s from HL2 beta actually working! [youtube]
Open Thread
Survived a long day at work with nothing real stupid to report. people were actually nice today. Then the sun came out. 4 days off …