>Food Open Thread
Yesterday I made an asparagus salad, cucumber salad, and a shrimp and celery stirfry over rice noodles in the afternoon. I ate it all by …
>Return of The DorK Diaries perhaps?
I haven’t even referenced or talked about DorK in months since he’s pretty much left my blog alone. Then a friend gives me this: http://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=20776&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=135 …
>Quick Curry dish.
This dish is taken from quick and easy thai. I made it tonight and it’s very flavorful! If you can’t eat fish you can easily …
>Goodbye Tommy.
On Sunday morning I awoke to find out that one of the meows we adopted last year had passed away. He was getting on in …
>Early morning Open Thread
Worked on my taxes today. Looks like I’ll be getting a refund this year from both the gov and the state. Yaaaay.
>Early morning open thread
Allergy season has finally caught up with me. The pills have been making me feel drowzy. -_- Today I went on a booze run to …
>The Overlord’s Easter.
Like every year I worked Easter Sunday today. But this year was different, it was snowing and raining. Not making that up either, fell as …
>Drunken Spaghetti
I decided to try a recipe out tonight. Spaghetti boiled in wine, reserving the boiling liquid for a sauce with chicken stock, shredded beet and …