>And this is how it ends.
Neile has changed his blog yet again with something new to say. http://poznet.blogspot.com/ Tomala,How did we get here? One bad feeling heaped upon another. I …
Neile has changed his blog yet again with something new to say. http://poznet.blogspot.com/ Tomala,How did we get here? One bad feeling heaped upon another. I …
Couldn’t help but notice that Rear Admiral Neile Adams brought his blog back up. Interesting considering he said the following in one of his previous …
Today was our final day in the holy city of Cyantology. Tomorrow we set course for our half point. Today we had a tasty brunch, …
Check out the bottom. For some reason I was inspired to put it there… 😉
Yesterday was my relaxing day. Today I had a blast at Mysterium. I recorded some footage but that’ll have to wait until I get home …
Yet another nice day passed today. I went to visit my Auntie, then my uncle. Took home some giant zucchini straight from Auntie Kay’s garden. …
Hey, remember when I was banned from the MystBlogs because of some cosplay pics that DG posted? Well… Those weren’t ok, but apparently ddfreyne approves …
The next waking day wasn’t so bad. When we were leaving we got a discount on our room because they don’t know anything about their …
We made it to Madras today. Didn’t get followed by cops or hit any cars. Though they did come close to us a couple times …
Well, tomorrow morning I hit the road. I’ll have all my digital equipment with me for on scene reporting of things and stuff. So watch …