A nice lavender shower really relaxes the Overlord along with some nice Chocolate hazelnut tea. Yes! Chocolate Hazelnut tea!!! Good stuff.

And I came home tonight to steak, shrimp, scallops in pasta, salad, blue cheese dressing, and peppered corn. Good stuff to calm the Brookings rage I felt for awhile today while I was out doing work.

On another note I found an older picture of me from a few years ago. Before the red and brown hair dyes.


I will always love that shade I was born with. Which is why I still keep some in my current head of hair, which pisses off old people or the anally retentive.

Attention Duelists!!! My hair pisses people off!

I call it my BS detector. If something like hair scares people or upsets them and not some sort of action that would normally provoke these feelings, then they don’t deserve my attention. Having hair that allows me to draw out the feelings of various people is almost like having some sort of super power. So these people just automatically assume that people who dress normal are normal, right? Sure… I see a lot of politicians on TV who dress normal… Democrats sleeping with other women and gay Republicans getting into trouble and expecting their fellow associates to fight their battles for them. Sure… They’re more normal than I am.

Jeez I’m making political references??? Obviously I need to go to bed…

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Melon Seed
July 24, 2009 10:34 am
