Pointless Words Of Pointlessness
I’ve been trying to think of what to grab for Friday/Sat breakfast stuffs — tomorrow I’ll be through my weekend leftovers and I’m not in …
I’ve been trying to think of what to grab for Friday/Sat breakfast stuffs — tomorrow I’ll be through my weekend leftovers and I’m not in …
Spent the better part of the evening playing around in SFM and Krita. I wanted to play a game, but I’ve been at that halfway …
Feeling pretty chill after a long day, discuss things if you wish. I’m enjoying the scent of watermelon and cherry blossoms, and I can’t think …
Today was the last day… I readied my tea for work tomorrow, laid out my clothes, dotted my i’s etc, etc… I did manage to …
I’ve been around… I’ve just been very, very relaxed. I know when I go back it’ll be a total hellscape, so the best thing I …
I’m barely halfway through the work week and I’m already tired of people. I’m glad I have one last bit of vacation starting next week, …
There was something I wanted to post… but I’m in severe need of sleep. I couldn’t nod off last night to save my life, though …
This week has been going a lot smoother. I actually have a clear mind for what I need to take care of this weekend, what …
Spent a bit of the evening editing some recently recorded audio, and piecing it into SFM to prep for the next session. The hardest part …
This has got to be the longest feeling work week I’ve had in awhile… I’m just glad tomorrow is my Friday. I’m thinking this weekend …