Goodnight Open Thread
Well folks. I’ll be on tomorrow afternoon or evening with a possible chance of getting wasted. Yay!
Well folks. I’ll be on tomorrow afternoon or evening with a possible chance of getting wasted. Yay!
Decided to embark on yet another voyage to find a fluid-width theme that I liked that would allow me to photoshop a header. Finally settled …
I awoke today to 2 random comments to moderate that both had elaborate ways of pimping their sites. One telling me my blog runs too …
Finally found a webhost to keep server files on remotely. I might even consider migrating my blog over there too. Food for thought.
I’ve been thinking that the TomalaCore was missing something. Then I remembered that yes, while I was using my signature colors (red and blue) I …
Look out World! We are still here!!! Yays!!! Party On Everyones!!! Wheeees!!!
Release yer Inner Spam and have fun while you can!!!
Since this is meh Friday evening, it must be time for the Vagina Tree Tram!!!! StoliDrivers For All!!! Yays!!! Vagina Tree Tram!!!!
Arnold’s love child isn’t that cute. The woman he was having an affair with didn appear to be that hot either – LOL!!! Hattie the Mew wanted some …
Oh mys! Moses the Neighbor Cat really likes it at my house, so he keeps trying to find a way to make a home here! …